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Juanita Frans

Ms Juanita Beukes-Frans, ITS: Manager

Tell us about yourself background, where you were born, your high school years, university etc.:

I am Juanita Beukes-Frans, a mother of three lovely children, my cheerleaders. I am a dedicated wife and a firm believer in the Lord Almighty. I am employed as the Manager: ITS Systems, a Campus Management Software System, used for all business processes at the Institution. I am from the small town of Rehoboth, south of Windhoek, where I finished my Grade 12 at Dr Lemmer High School. Hailing from a family not very well educated, my passion has always been inventing new things, bringing change to the world, sharing insights and striving to achieve excellence. As our passion should not determine our future, my dreams have always been to acquire knowledge on a daily basis. I completed my diploma at the previous Technicon South Africa. I recently completed my MBA through Regent Business School, Durban. My graduation is coming up end of October in Durban. As Alan Rosen said "the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams".

Your journey at the Polytechnic of Namibia:

This year marks 21 years of employment at the Polytechnic of Namibia. January 1994: A Data Typist at the Examination Office, October 1994: An Examination Officer, January 1996: A Faculty Officer at the Polytechnic of Namibia, November 2004: An ITS Support Officer under the Computer Centre. January 2009 to date, I became the ITS Manager at the Polytechnic of Namibia.

What are your expectations for the new NUST? How do you think it will benefit you?

I started at the Polytechnic from the beginning and I am honoured to move with it into the University. In terms of HR, better funding for staff development.  In terms of resources there should be funding available to increase our resources for staff and students, attendance or commitment in social responsibility for community development and support, better student facilities or recreational facilities, commitment to customer service and quality services to staff and students.I believe the new University will add passion to education, fairness and excellence to our education and success to our service culture on all levels.

Please share with us your success habits:

Never walk in anyone's shadow. Reinvent daily, learn from others only then will you be able to make a change. I always tell my staff: "Don't walk behind me, I might not lead. Don't walk in front of me, I might not follow but let's walk beside each other then we will be a stronger team, complimenting each other". We will be there for and when we need each other to reach the Institutional goal and have the best business processes.

What is your motto in life?

To have a to don't list.

If your life could be a newspaper heading, what would it be?

Juanita Beukes-Frans from Rehoboth Namibia Noble Price Winner.

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About Namibia University of Science and Technology


To be a premier university of science and technology preparing leaders for the knowledge economy.


To be a responsive university creatively meeting the needs of students, society and the economy through multiple pathways for excellent education, applied research, innovation and service in collaboration with stakeholders.

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